Groundwater Exploration and Quality Assessment, Superficial and Groundwater Monitoring Network, Airborne Environmental Monitoring
Theme 2 - Evaluating
GEOexplorer Impresa Sociale S.r.l. is interested in cooperating to develop and test new monitoring strategies (eg. airborne and monitoring network realized following the paradigm of "industry 4.0") and evaluate the quality status of water resources.
As environmental company mainly involved in aquifer exploration and quality assessment we have contacts with several water utilities and stakes holders (mainly in central Italy and east Africa) which could participate as case studies in the semi-arid context where climate change is a "synergic" issue to emerging pollutants.
GEOexplorer Impresa Sociale S.r.l. is an innovative small enterprise (with the status of social enterprise), born as an academic start-up of the University of Siena funded, thanks to the contribution of researchers from the Centre for GeoTechnologies of San Giovanni Valdarno (University of Siena) and the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences (University of Ferrara). Our staff comes from an experience of great passion and work within the Italian university and today puts these characteristics at the disposal of private companies and public bodies. GEOexplorer offers research and services in the field of underground exploration to a wide variety of customers, who must solve practical problems of management of natural and artificial resources, providing complete results and immediately usable. GEOexplorer invests in Research and Development through various channels ranging from scholarship funding, doctorates and research grants to participation in funded projects of organizations such as the Tuscany Region and the EU. Over the years many objectives have been achieved that have allowed the development of an increasingly qualified staff under the scientific aspect and to direct their activities towards the sectors of greatest interest for universities and public administrations.
The experience of the members, for the most part Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, allows to provide geophysical exploration services for superficial and deep research. GEOexplorer also has considerable experience in the hydrogeological sector, providing services in the areas of research, assessment and management of groundwater resources, as well as innovative solutions to meet the growing water demand even in extreme climatic areas.
Lastly, these skills are complemented by a strong predisposition for technological innovation: this was mainly focused on the airborne implementation, through the design, construction and marketing of Rad_gyro services, an autogyro built-up to support gamma spectroscopy with remote sensing in a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The company structure allows access to a wide range of skills ranging from support during the flight to data processing, mapping, land measurements and topographic acquisition.
Detailed activities related to the topic call:
a) Exploration of the subsoil for research and water supply
b) Evaluation and analysis of water resources about quantitative and qualitative features
c) Study of the radioactivity level of lands, rocks, air and building materials
d) Hydrogeological and environmental studies for polluted sites
e) Training and capacity building